Terms of use

Terms of use

This website is owned and operated by YonderTours Pte. Ltd. (“BC”). This document comprises the Terms of Use Agreement, (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) and constitutes a legally binding Agreement between the visitor/user of this site and BC.

As a condition precedent to the visitor/user being able to use any of the tools, functions and information on this site, the visitor/user must read, understand and agree to be bound by each of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement. However, by the mere act of accessing the functions and tools of this site, viewing any information, text or graphics herein, the visitor/user is deemed to have already read, understood, and agreed to be bound by this Agreement. Should the visitor/user not agree to any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, he/she must immediately leave this site and cease using any of the tools, functions and information provided herein.

BC reserves the right to amend or modify this Agreement without prior notice to the visitor/users. Therefore, every time the visitor/user accesses this site, he/she is responsible for viewing this Agreement for any updates, amendments, changes and revisions to which the visitor/user shall be deemed to be automatically bound.

The visitor/user agrees to use the information, services, and tools available on the site for purely personal and non-commercial use.


Rules for Use of Site

Site visitors/users may not:

  1. Violate the laws of any jurisdiction, state, or country while visiting our site or using any tool that is available on this site;
  2. Harass or cyber stalk any user;
  3. Post any information, entries, queries, guest book notes, etc., which in the sole and absolute discretion and opinion of BC, may be considered as obscene, indecent, defamatory, offensive, or hateful;
  4. Upload a virus on the server, whether or not such virus causes damage to BC or BC's visitors/users;
  5. Transmit, steal, or otherwise engage in unauthorised access of information, data or materials through or into this website, which may be in violation of any law or regulation in any jurisdiction;
  6. Use any automated script or robots to access, copy, or manipulate any content provided in this site;
  7. Impersonate any person or entity or misrepresent your affiliation with any other person or entity;
  8. Insert your own or a third party's advertising material or promotional content on this site;
  9. Use the site in any manner with the intent to interrupt, damage, or disable, overburden, impair the site, including but not limited to, flooding servers with requests;
  10. Attempt to circumvent, reverse engineer, decrypt, or otherwise alter or interfere with the site or any content thereof;
  11. Use the site in any manner that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair the Site in any manner that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair the same or interfere with any person's use or enjoyment thereof.

All visitors/users of this site must be of legal age in their jurisdiction or country of origin. All visitors/users who are not of legal age must immediately leave the website and cease using any of the tools, functions, information provided in this site unless such visitor user is supervised by his/her parents or legal guardian, in which event, the parent or legal guardian shall be responsible for filtering any inappropriate content on this site.

V may post rules, guidelines or policies in addition to those stated in this Agreement. Upon the posting of such new or additional materials, such terms and conditions will immediately form part of this Agreement and shall be deemed as automatically binding on the visitors/users.



BC is not itself providing any goods or services in the capacity of a principal. Except for arranging access to boats, BC does not itself supply or provide any other goods or services. It is not itself a transport, accommodation, tour, event or medical service or product provider. Third parties independent of BC provide those goods and services. BC advises obtaining and reading the service providers terms and conditions applicable to the goods or services they provide and make sure there are no exclusions or limitations of liability imposed by the service provider. Some of these may limit or exclude liability for death, personal injury, delay and property loss or damage. Third party principals (not sub-contractors to BC) provide all goods and services to you, including tours, travel, activities, meals, consultations, operations and procedures.

BC exercises every reasonable care in the selection of third parties introduced to and whom may provide goods and services to clients in connection with his/her trip. It is important to note, therefore that:

  1. BC is the mere agent of the supplier of those goods and services and does not make any express or implied representation or warranty that any goods or services supplied by third parties will be fit for required purpose or supplied by them with reasonable care and skill;
  2. All bookings for goods and services to be provided by third parties are subject to the terms and conditions and limitations of liability as may be separately imposed by tour operators, airlines, hospitals, clinics, hotels and other providers of goods and services (some of which limit or exclude liability in respect of death, personal injury, delay and loss or damage to baggage);
  3. Specific reviews relating to individual listings can come from a combination of sources, including but not exclusively, BC customers, search engine profiles and social media profiles;
  4. All prices quoted are estimated prices either calculated are approximate prices provided by the boat owner. All prices are subject to change, as per the owners discretion.

Any and all information published on the website that relates to health care or medical providers have been gathered and presented by BC on its own initiative using the websites and promotional information from such establishments, which are already made available to the public or have been provided by health care or medical providers to BC for posting. BC does not verify the accuracy of the information gathered from such websites and cannot vouch for their reliability and accuracy, nor can BC warrant that such information is current and updated.

While BC has no reason to believe that there are inaccuracies or defects in any of the information published on the website, it makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to the fitness of the information for any purpose whatsoever. The site is provided on an “as is” or “as available basis” and the visitor/user uses the same entirely at his/her own risk. In providing the information to visitor/user, no contractual obligation is or has been constituted between the visitor/user and BC and no duty of care is owed to the former. If any court of competent jurisdiction rules that BC owes a duty of care to the visitor/user, BC will not be liable for any direct or indirect consequences, loss, damages or injury arising from use of this information, unless there is a direct negligence or fault on the part of BC.

The information on the site should not be used as a basis for diagnosis, choice of treatment or choice of medical practitioner. By operating this website, BC cannot be deemed to be engaged in the practice of medicine, nor is the information herein presented intended to supplant medical advice from a qualified medical practitioner. 


Intellectual Property

All original content provided within or via this site is protected by various international copyright laws, patent laws, trademark regulations and laws, and various intellectual property laws and international treaties and agreements. Copying, reproduction, publication or broadcast of any protected content contained within or via this Site is strictly prohibited without the written permission of BC. All trademarks presented on or via this site are owned by their respective owners and may not be used by the visitor/user in any way.